Regarding my recent collages and the direction I've decided to start taking them in:
Working with the medium of collage is new to me. I’m sure I’ve done something here or there that could be considered collage before but never have I given it so much attention or really made it the focal point of my work. While the techniques I’m exploring are new to me the works I’m producing hearken to concepts that I’ve been dealing with for some time now. An example is the complex idea of fractals and microcosms. Within each collage are smaller sections that could be considered collages on their own and within them, again, even smaller sections. These fractals are portions of the image that follow suit to the structure of the whole, so much so that a tiny section could be given as a representation of not only the entire piece from which its taken but the entire body of work in general. In this way the works that I’m creating, these collages, can be considered smaller parts of a larger “whole” they symbolically represent the body of our cultural existence. In a way a newspaper stand is just a large collage that shares many elements with the works I’m making. The images I use are stripped from magazines that are on their way to the trash, all the articles and images I wish to save have been removed and what is left is the rest of the magazine which over the past year or so I would typically throw straight into the trash. Now I’m taking those remaining pieces and recycling them, remixing them, revitalizing them by breaking them up and piecing them back together in these collages where I can structure and highlight the images in new ways. I’m an artist acting as an alchemist. I’m taking these images which represent our social culture, a culture that lacks the luster of “real” yet shines with a polished vision of consumerism and well oiled advertising and PR. By remixing the images and controlling them in a new, unexpected, unintended fashion and changing the intended viewer to the person viewing a work of art actively rather than passively viewing images in popular culture I am switching the “gaze” of the viewer in a way that free the images from their typical purpose. They gain new value in their recombined manner and in this way tug the magnifying glass till it points in the direction of consumer culture and forces the viewer to examine the world from which the images come and how they reflect on themselves. Hopefully the questions that can be raised thanks to this exploration will lead not only the viewer but myself to a deeper understanding of our situation within the greater scheme of things, the consumer machine, the social network, our global existence, or universal existence.